Eagle Project – Olin Z.

For my Eagle Scout Project, I designed and built a wooden ramp for a woman with a physical disability, which made it very difficult for her to leave her home. I partnered with Servants At Work (SAWs), a nonprofit, volunteer organization that builds wooden wheelchair ramps for low-income, permanently disabled individuals. The ramps provide freedom to these people.
To start my Eagle Scout project, I met with the client and designed the ramp under the supervision of a project manager. I then determined the supplies needed, including calculating the amount of wood required. Finally, I prepared and cut the wood before the build. The pre-build preparation time was more than 20 hours.
On the day of my ramp build, I had 10 volunteers, including Boy Scouts. The reaction that I received from the client was amazing! She was so thankful for the ramp as it would help her exit her home easier and allow her to connect with her community.