Eagle Project – Carson T.

• I chose the trail as my eagle project as i had noticed that it was becoming less and less used over time and it was kind of difficult to tell that there was a trail back there, I thought it would be a great project to clear up to the bridge so people can walk the trail and go back to the chapel to pray. I’ve found that the chapel is a very relaxing spot to just sit and relax so I thought it would be nice to make it easier to access.
• On our work day we accomplished 5 things, we cleared brush and dead trees off the trail, we fixed the benches that were broken, we made 2 new benches to put at the entrance, we planted wildflowers that should grow hopefully by spring time, and we laid mulch on the trail to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly than the asphalt that was there before
• We had 32 scouts (youth and adult) register on the troop website to come out and help
• In the days leading up to the project we had a landscape architect come out to give us a professional perspective on the project such as; which trees to cut down, what type of flowers to plant, and what kind of mulch to use. She was very helpful in getting the project ready and knowing exactly what I need to do to make the project work
• Another interesting detail is that we used hardwood mulch without any stain in it, this was an idea provided by the landscape architect we had come out, she recommended it because stained mulch is not good for the environment on trails and doesn’t biodegrade as well as hardwood mulch.